Friday, November 30, 2007


Hey folks! It's time again for a review of what's going on in the world of HEROES. WHERE to begin?!? Well, first off, the show has done a 180 degree turn landing back in my good graces. This weeks episode was pretty good, but two weeks ago was OFF DA CHAIN! (Do people still say 'off the chain?')

Hiro has left fuedal Japan and is jumping around in the states again present day. His male lover is back in Japan sitting in a closed off office playing video games or something gay.

Claire - oh sweet, hot, sexy Claire! Her storyline has been pushed to the foreground. Noah (father) was killed saving her from the company, and then ressusitated using Adam (Kensei - Hiro's not-so-super hero from the past) Monroe's blood. Oh, he's immortal. So I guess that means Claire is as well. Hope Miss Hayden is using her spf and moisturizers!

The Latino Wunder Twins are still annoying. But at least one of them is dead now. Now Rosa and Sylar are hoofing it up to NYC together. He's still a douche, in case you were wondering.

Ok, this isn't as entertaining to write about unless I really hate it. So I guess I'll try again after the writer's strike fucks up the next hump of the storyline.


A humbling experience

It's interesting finding your adult relationship with your parents - well, it's interesting for me. We didn't have what you would call a friendly relationship when I was growing up. I think I wanted to be treated like an adult, but didn't want to act like one. Anywho, now that I'm grown, it's like I've reconnected with old friends. We laugh about most of the same things, reminisce, and share surprisingly similar viewpoints on most matters.

I've been working with my father in Dallas for the past week on my trip across the states. It just amazing me how similar we are. We were chatting today about growing up and he gave me a great perscpective on things that I've been slowly (VERY slowly) coming to on my own. He said that it's funny how age humbles you. You think you're at the top of your game and then something or someone comes along and shows you that you aren't even on the field.

What I'm really impressed and inspired with is his ability to roll with the punches. Maybe that's something that comes with age. I mean, sure - right now I moisturize, shampoo, condition, scrub, peel, pluck, tone, lift, crunch, jog and so on; but in thirty years what's going to be take it's place? Will that stuff even matter to me? What I'm afraid I might be discovering is that relationships and inner happiness might be a bit more important than facials and gyms.

Who knows. It's probably different for everyone, and I doubt I'll have a clear idea of the total picture any time soon. I guess I'll just have to be happy with what I do understand, and be open to that which I don't. :)


Thursday, November 29, 2007


I'm back where I started from. Ã…fter a few days on the road and a pit stop in Arkansas to see some family, I'm home in the great state of Texas! Things are pretty much the same. Big houses. Big cars. Big hair. :)

Saturday, October 13, 2007

San Diego

So yesterday was a pretty typical Friday - until I got on the train to San Diego! As usual, I was a few minutes late to the station, and apparently, trains run on this schedule where they can't be bothered to wait for stragglers. So I got to wait in the LOVELY Amtrack station in Santa Ana for an hour and a half and interact with the most friendly latino workers EVER. And by friendly, I mean 'get away from me, white devil.' Ewwwwww.

Once I got on the train, however, it was a different story. I LOVE traveling by train. There's just something so romantic about it. I'd guess it reminds me of old movies with people like Marilyn Monroe traveling across country before automobiles took a stranglehold on the country.

San Diego is beautiful, as I remembered. It 'rained' last night and this morning. More of a drizzle, really. But there's a peace that comes with it. I've sat most of the morning with a buddy of mine watching it come down and talking about important issues, like Brittney's baby dilemma and LiLo's coke habbit.

Good times...

Tuesday, October 09, 2007

HEROES in review

Let me start off by reminding anyone who forgot, and informing all those that are unaware: I despise the 'tracking system' girl. Yes, she's cute. Yes, her little outfits are just a-DOR-able. But when you get right down to it, kids can't sell a role. She comes across as a "too grown up for the age she's trying to portray" Hermoine Granger from the first two Harry Potters. (Now don't get me wrong, Hermoine is a favorite of mine in the book, and therefore, her revolting acting - or lack therof - fell on deaf ears with this fanboy.) Every scene I see with this little cutesy-poo locator girl-thing makes wet chunks of vomit rise up in revolt. I can't stand her! Eww!

Little trollops aside, the show has taken a sad turn for Icksville. A jumping of the shark may be just around the corner. Let's review:

Sylar: Looking very handsome. But could someone buy the boy a gym membership? And I guess he thought that once he acquired Vanessa (or whatever the illusionist's name was that episode) power, that he could travel just by shouting out the name of the city. A tired bit already played out by Peter the previous episode ("Sparks! Fire! Explode!"... Shazzam!). I suppose the writers are trying to tie them together and drop EVERY hint in the book to let us know that some of Sylar has leaked in to the toned young Mr. Patrelli's soul. (see Peter's enjoying using the telekinesis on Irish bastard for further reference) Now, don't get me wrong. I'm glad Sylar is back. All the characters received so much development in the first season, and it would have been a shame to seen someone who give 'scary' so effectively die off.

Sylar / Peter: My guess is that some part of Sylar jumped into Peter (taking with him the powers he's missing), and now festers deep within his chiseled white physique. We'll find out mid season when they take their month hiatus to remind us just how much we really need... HEROES. (Cornball much?)

THANK YOU OH WRITING GODS for sparing the Matriarch of the Patrelli clan (real name, Christine Rose - has worked with such greats as Elvira and the Charmed sisters). LUVS her! And, well, she knows things.

Hiro: Yawn. I guess that's where the budget is going. Dressing a bunch of idiots up in feudal era outfits and running around cherry blossoms. What-ever. Why does it even matter if he writes the notes. He can just jump back to the moment he left whenever he wants, regardless of how much time he spends in the past. I was thinking about what Ando's super power is. The best I could come up with is that he is super gay. He's been trying to fight it his whole life, but he's about to come to terms with it after reading Hiro's love letters from the past. Would LOVE to see Sylar get ahold of THAT power. "Hey Peter Patrelli. Loving the couture glyph necklace." But seriously, even if he becomes the HIRO of the past, then who the hell cares? Let's deal with modern day issues, as opposed to fire scrolls and sword-smith's daughters. (I'll admit, my curiosity is peaked regarding the solar eclipse... what does it signify?)

Claire: GORGEOUS! Where does she get her lip gloss? Still think the flying bf is WAY creepy. Something isn't right about him. It's like he's wearing a boy mask over his real face. No-Likey. The flying scene was a good idea, but here again, we run into budget issues! WOW it looked SO fa-a-a-k-e!!! I am looking forward to the episode where he drops her for one reason or another (maybe peter gets taken over by the Sylar seed inside his (shiver) body and is hunting down the kid. Some sort of mid air debacle, anyway.)

Mega Dittos on the Star Trek receptionist / crazy NOLA granny. Uhuray! (pronounced ooh-hooray!) The music sounded very 'i'm going to do horrible, horrible things to this boy as soon as you're gone, including but not limited to pagan rituals, organ removal and jerry curl.'

Little Mexico: Has anyone else made the Wonder Twin Powers activate reference? Or the hellfire club bro n sis? I want to like the story line, but the poison girl is just such a whiney good for nothing. LOVE that she was ready to kill for her brother. I'm guessing she'll get hopped up on using her power at some point and lose control, much like we saw Peter do last night. (god he's so hot) As I've mentioned to anyone that will listen, the writers are obviously trying to tap into the not-so-south-of-the-border buying power. Oh, it's a harrowing tale of two mexican kids just fighting for a chance to better their lives and get to the Estados Unidos to cure a mother-of-christ reminiscent power that they can't understand. (For real, when she cries, she looks VERY Mary mary, mother of Christ) Give me a break.

Peter Peter, Irish beater. The one story line that I'm only moderately disappointed with. Gosh, he looks REAL purty. Love the short hair. They have been wanting a naughty Peter (pardon the pun) since that future glimpse last season. And it looks like he's on the way. Thank god! The whole 'not so sure of myself or my power or anything in particular' thing he had going on was quite the buzz kill.

The pet psychic detective...: Not much to go on here. I really want to see him pushed to the edge. I want him to be MORE invasive with his power. I want his nose to bleed. I want him to force someone to kill themselves. (maybe the little locator girl? just an idea)

Nikki, is that her name? Crazy sexy cool and uber power house. LOVE her. LOVE that she's about to be back in her old line of work. AND I'm keeping my hopes up that we'll see the bad sister again. That episode last season where she's facing off against the detective was SO bad ass!!!

Where are they really headed? Who knows? Well, Matriarch Patrelli thought she did. Maybe she doesn't know as many... things as she thought?


PS. Must buy... Nissan.. Rogue

PPS. I really hate that little girl. Bottom of my stomach - despise. Totally ruins every scene she is in.

Monday, October 08, 2007


Hollerrrr from the Jolly Green Yonderrrrrr! What's up kids? SO much has happened since I wrote you last. Sigh... And here I am now, with some extra time to type delicious words of heart and meaning in your cyber souls! ...But I think I'll spend my time looking at porn instead. So here are some pictures from my trip (which I am still on for another month... or more - that's TBD at this point) to CA, and a bit of dialog to go along with em. Enjoy!
Some pretty clouds on the way from Atlanta to Devner.
The Rocky Mountains. Breath-taking from above!
Sunset on my first night back in CA. We landed just as the sun was falling beneath the crest of the earth. Very enjoyable.Sunrise on my first morning in LA. Taken from a friend's home on Wilshire Blvd. That is Century City... or Studio City. I forget. Whatever it is, it is NOT downtown LA. Does that even exist? Oh jebus.

I'll post more for ya later. I have some killer pix of the beach from yesterday.

Friday, May 18, 2007

Loose Change

I know this blog is usually reserved for the silly and inane, but I felt the need to spread this (like peanut butter and jelly, honey!). An aquaintence of mine recently introduced me to this video titled 'Loose Change.' A rather interesting look back at 9/11 and the reality derived from the facts vs the official information that was handed to us. It's shocking. I am not embarassed to admit that I cried several times while watching. It's can be a bit of an emotional shock when you come to some realizations offered here. Take from it what you will. Nice chatting with you again. :)

To see the full video, go here.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

The Ten Commandments

Say what you will about the Ten Commandments, you must always come back to the pleasant fact that there are only ten of them.
- HL Mencken

Tuesday, April 24, 2007

Pokemon! Pokemon!

Oh boy, Oh boy, Oh boy! The new Pokemon game is finally out! Just picked it up Sunday, and boy howdy, I'm HOOKED! I started off with the turtle pokemon, and now have a full belt of little helpers. Cardio has become VERY easy, and I'm mere weeks away from having my six pack back thanks to hours of sitting on the stationary bike playing that game!!! Pix to come soon!

Oh, PS - I got the Diamond Version.

Tuesday, April 10, 2007

More finalized versions of the flyer


I LOVE this! So many funny moments. Can't figure out if Fergie is huge, or her backup dancers are really small...

Thursday, April 05, 2007

Tuesday, March 13, 2007

Birthdays and BMW's

Hey kids! As I write you, I'm sitting at a BMW dealership picking up my very first (well, kinda) financed car! In fact, this is the first time I've owned a car since 1998, when I was straight up pimpin my Mazda RX7 in Denver, CO. Oh, how the times have changed. Anywho, the financing is currently running through, and in a few moments, I'll be driving off in my slightly used 04 BMW 325i! I'm starting off with just over 40K miles on it. She's a beauty. Silver/gray, black leather (ish) inside, sports package of some sort. All rather exciting. True, she's not the newest body style, nor the fastest, but she gets lovely mpg - 21 city and 39 hghwy. Yay!

Birthday pictures, as promised, follow:

I think (and please be gentle, dear reader) that these are from just before dinner. I was the first one there! Surprising, as usually I'm running on gay time, which is 15 minutes late. ;) Pictured are some friendly out of towners - Luke and Tony from SF. What sweet hearts.

James (my dear, dear friend who threw the parties for me), Luke and I just chillin at the bar, waiting for the VERY late Zev and Nick to arrive. We ended up sitting down before Nick even got there - an hour and a half AFTER we were supposed to sit down. Nice job Nick! Well, at least you showed up at all. LOL

Here we have a pic of half the party. We're all very 'over it' with the waitress. Becky, or something. Anyway, she was really sweet, just really slow. Oh, that guy that looks absolutely THRILLED to be there in the front of the picture is Nick, the hour and a half late guy. Boy, I wonder if I'll ever let him live that one down? Probably not.

Still at dinner. I'm VERY excited about eating some fricken cake, clearly. mmmmm... It was so good. German Chocolate in the middle. I asked for it kinda last minute, so James had to do some creative thinking to get ahold of one. I think mine was at a funeral, and then he snatched it while everyone was crying or something. Oh well, just happy to be part of the team, guys!

Next up are a couple shots from the bar we hit after - BaZzAaR on PeachTree. Ton of fun... from what I can remember. The first pic is me and some mexicans... I think their names were Juan and Pedro or something. Who knows?

Last up is a pic of me with a few CA gurls - Tony and Don. What a pair. They're both so funny and fun to be around. Might be a little bit twisted, but I love them none the less.

Tuesday, March 06, 2007

Birthday Madness

What a lovely weekend! I'll be posting pictures sometime this week. The festivities started with a swank dinner at the trendy 2 Urban Licks restaurant on Friday evening. A few friends of mine from SF had recently arrived in town, Tony and Luke. What a fun couple! About 12 queens settled down around a large table for a meal of oysters, mussels and tuna. Oh, and did I mention the drinking? Glug, glug!

After a LOT of booze and food, we all headed over to a local bar by the name of BaZzAaR (after a brief pit stop at Hoe-Down's, a line dancing bar). After a whirlwind of cake, cards and shots, I was off to the Ritz Carlton for some good ole' fashioned hang time with Tony, Luke, James and Matt.

A few muscle relaxers later, it was Saturday afternoon. Most of the rest of the weekend was spent on couches or in hotel rooms, conversating and drinking. I was surrounded by some of my favorite people, and really enjoyed the entire weekend.

Tuesday, February 20, 2007

Wotta Moron

You've probably seen this before, but it always gets a good laugh. Hopefully it will animate. I should be back by later today for a real post, as opposed to this dribble. Cheers, thanks a lot.

Friday, February 16, 2007

Birthday invitation and music

I decided to put together my own birthday invitation this year. Here's the base. I have a few versions. Might post them. Dunno yet. Have you noticed that you can play music on my blog? It doesn't auto play, cuz damn, it's so annoying when you open some douche-bag's page and their music starts blaring at you. Dreadfully impolite. So click the play button in the upper right corner and hear whatever track I have up for your listening enjoyment. :)

Tuesday, February 13, 2007

The hot-ti of diz week

f This week we have one Bod Fit Atl, Josh. Josh works as a personal trainer in Atlanta, GA. He's 20-something. Alls I remember is he's what you'd call a whipper snapper. Oh, and here's the kicker, he used to be another 100 lbs of lard! Way to go Joshy boy. You look wonderful. Keep it up (or gain it back - it's your life). You can visit Josh's site here.

More New Orleans

Hello all! I think I'm finally readjusted to the Atlanta weather. I must say, Walking around in a pair of shorts and a tank in February was quite a treat. Ch-Ch-Check out some of the pix I took on my walk about the city of sin and redemption. (No, I don't think that New Orleans is actually known for either of those things, in fact, it sounds more like a Vegas thing... Just go with it, ok?)

I stayed with my buddy Corey in the Warehouse District at this AWESOME loft building that used to be a cotton mill.There was all this cool old machinery and brick about the compound. The builders had just left much of it standing where it was when they found it, making a sort of art thing. Here's a big piece of equipment that's been stationed out in front. I guess they put cotton through it. (Who the hell knows such things?) On my first day down, I did some exploring, and ended up on the river walk.
Friday afternoon we did some walking around the French Quarter area of town. The area was alive with the spirit (or spirits) of Mardi Gras. There were performers, mule rides, mimes, and one of the first parades. Before we left the French Quarter, we stopped to watch a small parade pass by and saw the most interesting costume. This dude was dressed as a dryad of some sort. Watching him move was something out of children's nightmares come to reality. That was pretty much it for the rest of the weekend.

I did have a rather interesting experience on the plane ride back. An elderly woman named Yvonne sat next to me and we chatted away the entire trip back, which incidentally flew by.

It was so very interesting to hear her tell about life back when she was growing up. She told me about her husband, who had died some 26 years ago and she had been married to for 35 years. She said it was love at first sight. She had been out to a dance with another date (Yvonne was quite the looker in her younger days I took it), and left the guy standing on the dance floor to leave with her future husband.

I was nearly in tears by the time we landed. Hearing Yvonne's life story brought me back to reality, and led me to think that perhaps, there is more to life than Prada and the gym. Yvonne kept stressing to me that family is the most important thing in life. I guess our priorities change as we grow.

Maybe I should invest in this 'family' thing.

Monday, February 12, 2007

The Big Easy (no, not me)

Well, New Orleans was a much appreciated break from reality. If you can, in fact, call Atlanta reality. Anywho, I'll have to find some time this week to jot down all my thoughts about that amazing city. The history was palpable. Here's one of my favorite pictures from the trip. It's a monument on the Moon Walk down by the river. Not sure what it's dedicated to, but gosh, what a purty picture!

Friday, February 09, 2007

Funny Girls

Hey Kids,

I'm writing you from the Big Sleazy this afternoon. A very sweet friend of mine fronted me a buddy pass to come down last minute. I'll post later in the weekend or next week about the trip, the food, the entertainment. Expect some tres cute pictures.

Now then, today's post concerns several beautiful, talented and rather funny ladies. First off, a bit of sad news - and unless you've been living under a rock, I'm sure you already know that Ms Anna Nicole Smith has up and died on us. I mean, you can't say you didn't see it coming. From the looks of things on her show, the woman was more drugged up and out than a rhino before surgery. But I do admire her emulation of Ms Monroe right up to the end. Pills, pills and more pills... and then there's the (very trendy) overdose. Well, I may be jumping to conclusions a bit at this point. Perhaps she had been suffering from a severe case of exhaustion. I know it's been plaguing young actresses across the board in Hollywood lately. We can only hope that my littlest darling, Lindsay Lohan, gets her fits of exhaustion under control before it's too late.

All kidding aside, I will miss Anna Nicole Smith. She always brought a smile to my face. Whether you liked her or not, you have to admit that watching that train wreck (over and over again) was entertaining. You'll be missed, Anna.

All right, next up, Miss Streisand! I guess a few months ago in Ft Lauderdale, Babs told a Bush joke at her concert, only to be regaled with a heckling from one of her audience members. In true Diva fashion, Babs stopped the show and told her guest to, "Shut the fuck up! Shut up if you can't take a joke." And then, after a few exchanges of hostile words, told him to leave, and announced, "Give him his money back!"

This is why I love Barbara. I'm not necessarily a huge fan of her music. Of course, she's a legend in her own time (and her own mind), but that kind of 'get the fuck away from my limo' kind of attitude makes me want to kiss the sidewalk she hovers over.

Seriously, if I shelled out $600 for a concert, you can damned well believe that I'd be doing my best to enjoy my time there. Bad mouthing the performer just seems like a waste of time (and moolah!). Kudos to you, Mrs Streisand.

Here's the super dooper fun part. Some queen took the sound bite and made a full song dubbed 'STFU,' (shut the fuck up). Listen to it here.

Third up, we have Evie Harris! If you don't recognize her, go pick up the uber-funny Girls Will Be Girls. Played by the very talented Jack Plotnick, Evie is a cynical, jaded alchoholic mother more concerned with her next lay or lamenting over her spent youth and wrecked career. Her dry critical interactions with everyone in range are sure to bring tears to your eyes.

Anywho, I found this picture of Evie, that little scamp, chuckling it up with Big Bird. Enjoy!

Wednesday, February 07, 2007

Space Madness...

It's astronauts! It's madness! It's Astronaut Madness!!!

Oh, Miss Lisa Marie Nowak. You certainly have gotten yourself into some hot water. Where to begin?...

Probably the first thing we should touch on is the pepper spray incident. Unless you are in a situation where you are being attacked, it is never, repeat: NEVER, acceptable behavior to pepper spray into a co workers car through an open window - just not proper etiquette. Especially for a mother of three. What kind of message does it send to your children, Ms Nowak?

Speaking of family, donning a pair of 'Oops, I Crapped My Pants' adult diapers and driving halfway across the country to confront your lover-on-the-side's crush at an airport is a big No-No. What did you think would happen when you arrived? Did you expect Ms Shipman to simply come along for a nice ride with you to your room at the Best Western? What if there had been a struggle? Can you imagine how embarrassing it would have been for both of you if she had struggled, and in the ensuing wrestling match your diaper were to come undone, spraying both of you with 13 hours worth of urine and feces?

Wearing an outlandish and ludicrous costume in public. Oh really, Ms Nowak? Outside of Halloween and special events, wearing a costume in public is not lady-like behavior. If one must don a disguise, a certain degree of fashion and tact should be adhered to. A ratty wig and tattered trech coat will not do.

Think how uncomfortable your neighbors on the shuttle must have been. Looking over to find a disheveled woman with a cheap and obvious wig, smeared makeup and an adult diaper partially concealed (and possibly leaking) beneath a shoddy trench coat would make even hardened travelers wince.

In closing, Ms Nowak, I hope that you've learned how important etiquette is in daily life. Because of your lust for fellow astronaut, Bill Oefelein, you have catapulted your family and coworkers into a scandalous predicament. It is my sincere hope that you take this time that you are removed from society to reflect on your life and decide which is more important, revenge or a loving family. Best of luck, Ms Nowak. Before you are whisked away, you might want to take a look-see at Ms Stewart's blog. I believe she still has some tips for keeping a respectable jail cell. (It's a good thing.)

Tuesday, February 06, 2007

Hottie Der Weekenhiem

This week I'm pimpin out my myspace buddy, Preston Lee. Let's give him a big round of applause, folks! And what a looker he is. Designer by day, model by night, Preston is pimpin hard core out in Los Angeles. Take a gander at some of his hotness, and check out his respective pages: myspace & home page.

Monday, February 05, 2007

The Fine Line

Last night at a friend's birthday party, a girlfriend of mine said to me, "Yet again, Taylor, here's the line," She made an imaginary line down the middle of the table, "and here we have you." At this, she indicated with her other hand my position in her mental diagram. I had clearly crossed that invisible line of self restraint.

"Well how was I to know dead baby jokes had gone out of style at the dinner table," I asked. Clearly, this was a revelation to me, or so I wanted my co-diners to believe.

As far back as I can remember, I've had a knack for making people squirm. Certainly, this dates back to a desperate craving for attention my childhood self had experienced. I remember an interview I read once, of a Mr. Johnathan Waters. If you've ever seen Pink Flamingos, Serial Mom or Hair Spray, then you undoubtedly know something of the sick and twisted mind that is John Waters. Licking dead animal heads, smell-o-vision (BRILLIANT), eating fresh poodle shit - nothing seemed out of his long putrid grasp.

Digressing... In this interview, Mr. Waters sights an experience in his early childhood as a pivitol point in the development of his vulgar disposition. At some point, I'm guessing around his late single digits, Mr. Waters came across a certain disgusting painting. What this painting was of, who it was by, the materials used in it's creation - these tid bits escape me. All you need to know is that this piece of art was horrid. Probably something like an exploding sack of feces, blood and circus freaks.

John brought what he thought to be a remarkable find out to show his mother and some guests at a tupperware party (or something - again, memory serves me only to an extent). Needless to say, the company found the picture revolting. I'm guessing that the young Mr. Waters received quite the reaction from his mother. He told the interviewer that it was at that particular moment he realized he had a sort of power over people.

So on he went, taking his seat well on the other side of the invisible line of manners. He lapped up the negative attention and made not only a life style, but living and an impact on modern culture. Congratulations are in order, I believe, Mr. Waters. Thank you for dulling society's sense of shock enough to allow a few dead baby jokes to slip through the cracks.

Thursday, February 01, 2007

Whotta Stud


Well I'm happier than a Polish Hairdresser on meth. Hmmm... Ok, maybe not THAT happy. Probably more along the lines of a neglected grandmother on visitor day at the old folks home. So what, you beg to question, is Taylor so tickled about? Well, silly buns, the new feature alert! Not so much about the feature itself. I mean, it's great and all, but, like, you know, I just like new stuff. Oohh, that reminds me, I need to go shopping for some new shoes. ... oh my god, shoes.

Ok, I'm back. I've decided to start posting pictures of hotties here, round about once a week. Can you dig it? I know - It's totally original, right? This week I'm bringing you Corey. This Louissiana native is a boss! He works in pharmacy sales (or something) and tells us, "Yeah man. I love the gym. I'm there 6 days a week." Clearly. Do you have a cot with your name on it for if you need a nap in between sets?

Tuesday, January 30, 2007

Pan's Labyrinth

Phenomenal cinematography, darkly appealing creatures and prolonged moments of visceral fear abound in the explosion of creativity and spooky visual entertainment that is Pan’s Labyrinth. Del Toro perfectly showcases his dark side with this disturbingly enticing film.

The journey Del Toro takes us on begins with our heroin, Ofelia (Ivana Baquero), lying motionless on a cold grey slab of stone overlooking an ancient earthen cavity. Before we’re allowed too much time to ponder how she might have come to such a dower place, we are whisked back several days to her arrival in a remote part of Spain in 1944.

Ofelia is nearing the end of a long, bumpy trek to her new father’s military station, an old grey and decaying house in the mountains, with her pregnant mother. The closer they get to their destination, the more Ofelia begins to notice strange, almost magical, occurrences in her surroundings.

Upon their arrival, Ofelia meets her step father; the war hardened Captain Vidal (Sergi Lopez). Before Ofelia can fall into the strict regime the Captain has in store for her and her mother, she finds her way to an untouched ancient labyrinth. Before she can delve into the abyss, the reserved and haunted Mercedes catches her by the arm and warns her of the dangers of such a place.

Mercedes takes on many roles in the house; head maid, nanny and informant to name a few. Maribel Verdu quietly fills the role of Mercedes and brings to the screen a subtle force that steals your heart from the moment she appears.

Once night falls, Ofelia makes her way back to the labyrinth and descends into an ancient orifice where she meets a faun. The creature charges her with several dangerous tasks to enter his world. Optimistic and unfaltering Ofelia takes them on without as much as a whimper.

This is where the fun REALLY begins. Those of you with weak stomachs, please exit the theatre. You're about to be taken down a horrific path of violence, bodily fluids, gore and abuse. The height of fright comes with the C hild Eater. Suspense builds and builds within this scene - you'll get very familiar with the edge of your seat. Del Toro's intimate knowledge of what goes bump in the night is brazenly displayed on screen.

Pan's Labyrinth does an excellent job of moving back and forth between reality and fantasy. It’s easy to forget what is real and what lies just beyond reality. The only thing that seems to stay a constant in Ofelia’s world is gore. Despite the sometimes overwhelming (but beautifully crafted) visuals, Pan’s Labyrinth is a deliciously unhurried and captivating film.