Monday, October 08, 2007


Hollerrrr from the Jolly Green Yonderrrrrr! What's up kids? SO much has happened since I wrote you last. Sigh... And here I am now, with some extra time to type delicious words of heart and meaning in your cyber souls! ...But I think I'll spend my time looking at porn instead. So here are some pictures from my trip (which I am still on for another month... or more - that's TBD at this point) to CA, and a bit of dialog to go along with em. Enjoy!
Some pretty clouds on the way from Atlanta to Devner.
The Rocky Mountains. Breath-taking from above!
Sunset on my first night back in CA. We landed just as the sun was falling beneath the crest of the earth. Very enjoyable.Sunrise on my first morning in LA. Taken from a friend's home on Wilshire Blvd. That is Century City... or Studio City. I forget. Whatever it is, it is NOT downtown LA. Does that even exist? Oh jebus.

I'll post more for ya later. I have some killer pix of the beach from yesterday.

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