Little trollops aside, the show has taken a sad turn for Icksville. A jumping of the shark may be just around the corner. Let's review:

Sylar / Peter: My guess is that some part of Sylar jumped into Peter (taking with him the powers he's missing), and now festers deep within his chiseled white physique. We'll find out mid season when they take their month hiatus to remind us just how much we really need... HEROES. (Cornball much?)
THANK YOU OH WRITING GODS for sparing the Matriarch of the Patrelli clan (real name, Christine Rose - has worked with such greats as Elvira and the Charmed sisters). LUVS her! And, well, she knows things.
Hiro: Yawn. I guess that's where the budget is going. Dressing a bunch of idiots up in feudal era outfits and running around cherry blossoms. What-ever. Why does it even matter if he writes the notes. He can just jump back to the moment he left whenever he wants, regardless of how much time he spends in the past. I was thinking about what Ando's super power is. The best I could come up with is that he is super gay. He's been trying to fight it his whole life, but he's about to come to terms with it after reading Hiro's love letters from the past. Would LOVE to see Sylar get ahold of THAT power. "Hey Peter Patrelli. Loving the couture glyph necklace." But seriously, even if he becomes the HIRO of the past, then who the hell cares? Let's deal with modern day issues, as opposed to fire scrolls and sword-smith's daughters. (I'll admit, my curiosity is peaked regarding the solar eclipse... what does it signify?)

Mega Dittos on the Star Trek receptionist / crazy NOLA granny. Uhuray! (pronounced ooh-hooray!) The music sounded very 'i'm going to do horrible, horrible things to this boy as soon as you're gone, including but not limited to pagan rituals, organ removal and jerry curl.'
Little Mexico: Has anyone else made the Wonder Twin Powers activate reference? Or the hellfire club bro n sis? I want to like the story line, but the poison girl is just such a whiney good for nothing. LOVE that she was ready to kill for her brother. I'm guessing she'll get hopped up on using her power at some point and lose control, much like we saw Peter do last night. (god he's so hot) As I've mentioned to anyone that will listen, the writers are obviously trying to tap into the not-so-south-of-the-border buying power. Oh, it's a harrowing tale of two mexican kids just fighting for a chance to better their lives and get to the Estados Unidos to cure a mother-of-christ reminiscent power that they can't understand. (For real, when she cries, she looks VERY Mary mary, mother of Christ) Give me a break.
Peter Peter, Irish beater. The one story line that I'm only moderately disappointed with. Gosh, he looks REAL purty. Love the short hair. They have been wanting a naughty Peter (pardon the pun) since that future glimpse last season. And it looks like he's on the way. Thank god! The whole 'not so sure of myself or my power or anything in particular' thing he had going on was quite the buzz kill.
The pet psychic detective...: Not much to go on here. I really want to see him pushed to the edge. I want him to be MORE invasive with his power. I want his nose to bleed. I want him to force someone to kill themselves. (maybe the little locator girl? just an idea)

Where are they really headed? Who knows? Well, Matriarch Patrelli thought she did. Maybe she doesn't know as many... things as she thought?
PS. Must buy... Nissan.. Rogue
PPS. I really hate that little girl. Bottom of my stomach - despise. Totally ruins every scene she is in.
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