Friday, May 18, 2007

Loose Change

I know this blog is usually reserved for the silly and inane, but I felt the need to spread this (like peanut butter and jelly, honey!). An aquaintence of mine recently introduced me to this video titled 'Loose Change.' A rather interesting look back at 9/11 and the reality derived from the facts vs the official information that was handed to us. It's shocking. I am not embarassed to admit that I cried several times while watching. It's can be a bit of an emotional shock when you come to some realizations offered here. Take from it what you will. Nice chatting with you again. :)

To see the full video, go here.


Ray Macon said...

Taylor Trailer...Dahlink I MUST speak with you. Things are going exceptionally well in our planning events for the Cotillion Fundraisers. I would love to pick your brain, therefore sucking the bloody creative Life Force from you until it meets my Marketing satisfaction. Case in Point: I have to throw a chic dinner party 7-7-7 and I'm calling it Lucky. Have venue secured. Can you design me a cool postcard to advertise it?/love ya Bro, rayray 404-643-8215 (

PS: also note from my blog, am throwing a party 6/16 at Trinity w/ Bill Hallman & Elite. Pretty lads like you expected.

Ray Macon said...

Taylor Trailer...Dahlink I MUST speak with you. Things are going exceptionally well in our planning events for the Cotillion Fundraisers. I would love to pick your brain, therefore sucking the bloody creative Life Force from you until it meets my Marketing satisfaction. Case in Point: I have to throw a chic dinner party 7-7-7 and I'm calling it Lucky. Have venue secured. Can you design me a cool postcard to advertise it?/love ya Bro, rayray 404-643-8215 (

PS: also note from my blog, am throwing a party 6/16 at Trinity w/ Bill Hallman & Elite. Pretty lads like you expected.