Boots here, checking in after a very fun and partially triflin' week. Obama = Prez elect... Good. Prop 8 on the verge of passing, Bad.
Big O's acceptance speech was amazing! I had to listen to it twice. Enjoyed seeing some Oprah action. I wonder where we'd be if she had decided to tell the housewives and queers of America to vote Clinton? I guess we'll never know.
Boots was out and about for the last week - campaigning to knock down the moronic Prop 8. At this point, we are still awaiting somewhere in the realm of 2 - 3 MILLION mail in ballots / 'early' voters / absentee ballots... and so on. We probably won't know the final results until Thursday or Friday. As it stands, Prop 8 is winning by 6 or 7 %. It's been a trying experience. ...
ESPECIALLY after yours truly was out at 5:30 AM election day handing out last minute pamphlets and info regarding the Unfair, Wrong and... I forget the rest of the script from here on. Long story short, regardless about how you feel about the 'sanctity of marriage,' denying rights is fucking wrong.

I was extra surprised that even after Samuel Jackson came out via mega forward commercials involving white/black marriage back in the day, so many people (you know who you are) voted for the prop. It's strange being part of a minority that is looked down on by other minorities.
Although, I did hear some VERY funny bits from the crowd. (Begin southern dialect) "If we let fags get married, what's next? Marrying animals?" (Dialect end)
Well thank YOU, Mr I-Just-Outed-Myself-As-An-Idiot-Bigot-Uneducated-Wife-Beating-Cheating-Mistreating-Unlikeable-Douchebag. With the above statement, I can gather that you put gays in the same boatload as animals. I won't make he obvious doggy-style joke here. But now that I've mentioned it, I would like to see that douche-bag f*cked in the a$$ by a slew of animals, ranging from mice to donkey to mountain lion. Well, rather, I'd like to see the mountain lion f*ck him up, feast on his organs, and sh*t in his mouth while he is bleeding to death.
When will the hatred stop!? Probably when I stop blogging. See you next time. :P