Friday, May 18, 2007

Loose Change

I know this blog is usually reserved for the silly and inane, but I felt the need to spread this (like peanut butter and jelly, honey!). An aquaintence of mine recently introduced me to this video titled 'Loose Change.' A rather interesting look back at 9/11 and the reality derived from the facts vs the official information that was handed to us. It's shocking. I am not embarassed to admit that I cried several times while watching. It's can be a bit of an emotional shock when you come to some realizations offered here. Take from it what you will. Nice chatting with you again. :)

To see the full video, go here.

Wednesday, May 02, 2007

The Ten Commandments

Say what you will about the Ten Commandments, you must always come back to the pleasant fact that there are only ten of them.
- HL Mencken