Monday, January 22, 2007

Myspace Ramblings

From: Sheila Platte (Poop Stain)
To: Taylor Hartley (Poop Stain also)
Subject: No Subject

Hey darlin. I miss you.I'm so sorry I don't call you but I don't call anyone. I'm so busy, it's nutts. I'm broke and losing my mind. I have a band now. You would like my song. Check it out on my myspace. I have my own song playing. I'll myspace you with my new band site this week. I think you will like our stuff. I love your art. It's coming a long way. CAtch me up on you!!!!!!!!!!!!!!

From: Taylor Hartley (Poop Stain also)
To: Sheila Platte (Poop Stain)

Subject: Re: No Su

You'll never believe it, but I lost your number when I switched phones. Well, I didn't really lose it. More like, I still have my old phone, but I'm hoping that you'll go ahead and send it to me online or txt me so I don't have to go search for it. Please, oh god, indulge my lazy behavior and send me your number.

I miss you too! You were on my mind for at least two hours after I read this on Saturday. But then I started playing Gears of War on Xbox 360, and... Well, let's just say you were moved back a few slots in my brain's ram.

I LOVE YOUR MUSIC!!! (Even if it scares me a little.) I heard it many moons ago when your band friend'd me. I thought I sent you a letter. I may have gotten lost amid the hub-bub and anthrax of the fan mail that I'm CERTAIN you're receiving, you talented harpy, you.

Things are good in Atlanta. Keeping busy with work. Very busy of late, actually. But I want to open a branch in LA. So if you know anyone who might be looking for a mortgage, or a real estate agent, please introduce us, as it would be a great way for me to come back out and visit.

I had been seeing this guy for about a year. We dated for about 6 months, and were bf's for 2 more, then broke up over some crazy dramatic bullsh*t. I just moved out last week into my friend's 4rth floor at his town house. It's quite beautiful. About 500 Square feet and my very own... get ready for it... bathroom!

I'm so very happy to be out on my own and single. It's a big change over from having someone to wake up to every morning, that's for sure. But I enjoy having a door I can close and the private time... Even if it is mostly filled with masturbation, movies and nintendo DS.

What else? I've been a bit of a slug over the winter, but found new motivation to go to the gym. That motivation being virile young men at the new gym location I'm at. It's right next to a college, so we get a lot of 'chicken' in the door. But, boy-howdy, they sure are juicy. And by juicy, I mean their bodies are so pumped that it looks like if you poked them with a pen (or some other sharp pokey device), juice would spray out. Get me a cup.

All right, Poop-Stain, it's been great typing to your digital effigy here on the myspace. I hope all your dreams and wishes come true.

Much Love,


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