And here I am to tell the tale. What a wild and crazy weekend. This was, of course, perfect for me, as I am one Wild and Crazy Guy! We drove down Friday night. A surprisingly short trip, thanks to the comedic stylings of our driver, Carter (the blonde in the pix) and James (the blue star on the left).

Once we arrived, we put Carter down for a nap, and took to the streets with blue stars painted on our eyes - a New Orleans Halloween Tradition for our group. We lost a couple members of our outing to, ugh, sleep. But James, myself, and our friend Adam Miller (middle blue star) found our way, drunkenly, about the streets and slums of the city. After a brief stop at our friend Russell's home, we found ourselves parked in front of the most interesting manikin display.
Now, one would think that on the opening night of the weekend, though it was ridiculously late, we would take our happy asses over to Oz or The Pub. But NO! We stood in front of the above mentioned store for several hours and chatted the morning away.

thoroughly tired out and ready for some sleep. We each popped a sleeping pill and crashed at our respective hotels. Mine, which for some reason I have yet to mention, was none other than the infamous Bourbon Orleans.
A bit of side drama related to my hotel - a few weeks before we were to depart for New Orleans, the guy I had been seeing broke things off with me and slept with another member of the group that was traveling down together. As you may have guessed, this made things sufficiently awkward. Thankfully, Carter and James had the kindness to offer my tired rear a ride down, and my good friend Blanding offered me a bed in his room.
Ok, that's enough for now. Stay tuned for Saturday and Sunday nights. :)
Does this mean that you're single...or have you already been picked up in the past 30 days?
Yes, and no. I am single, and have not been 'picked up' in the past thirty days. Thank you, mysterious stranger, for your round about compliment. :) Taylor
You're still a doll. How's life treating you? Things finally have slowed down as of, well, today. Guess that means spring is on the way. Oh, my bad, global warming means it's already here.
Take care!
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