Gay marriage has been fucked in another two states. Huzzah for New York and Georgia! Two states renowned for their grasp on the english language, gay bashings and meth labs.
I'm all for a little man on man consensual rape, but we're getting the short end of the sick stick here, people. I'm going to throw a few quotes atchu from a CNN article I recently perused:
Georgia reinstates ban
In Georgia, where three-quarters of voters approved a ban on gay marriage when it was on the ballot in 2004, the top court reinstated the ban Thursday, ruling unanimously that it did not violate the state's single-subject rule for ballot measures.
Forty-five states have specifically barred same-sex marriage through statutes or constitutional amendments. Massachusetts is the only state that allows gay marriage, although Vermont and Connecticut allow same-sex civil unions that confer the same legal rights as heterosexual married couples.
The New York court said any change in the state's law should come from the state Legislature, Judge Robert Smith wrote. The decision said lawmakers have a legitimate interest in protecting children by limiting marriage to heterosexual couples.

*end quotes*
Ok, so a quick rebuttal from yours truly. Wasn't the country under the belief that slavery was a fundamental right at one point? That was deeply rooted in the nations history and tradition, if I recall.
Sweet fuck. Can we just get Hillary in office and get this whole mess worked out? Please? PLEASE!!!!
Sweetie, sweetie, sweetie, sweetie, tell them there's traffic door-to-door, my car hasn't turned up, and I'm not well, I'M NOT WELL.
Well I must say that at least this administration is doing an excellent job of protecting the sanctity of marriage. Certainly, most Americans are better off with sexual offenders getting married and having children. I'm delighted that gay soldiers/officers , some of whom I went to Weezy Peezy with a year or two ago, are now having their limbs blown off so that we can observe the right for Rosie Rotch-n-Crotch to get married to her three time sex offender, rapist, mourdering boyfriend who will be serving four life sentences in prison. Speaking of fine American traditions, let's just atart counting gay people as 3/5ths a person, shit we did it to black people for nearly a hundred years.
I'm also pleased that we can now protect the sanctity of the marriage between the school teacher and her former 6th grade student, who are now happily wed, after she spent 8 years in prison for statuatory rape. I suppose I could go on with all the great marriages we are protecting, but I think you get the point.
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