I love manga. Not all manga, just the crazy upside-yo-mama's-head ones. For instance: Full Metal Alchemist. Bef0re I even knew about the manga, I had been watching the very interesting anime on cartoon network. It succeeds in areas so many other animes flop in: entertainment - stability - principles. Each episode is entertaining and new, while sticking to the overall story arc.
Not all anime stick to their guns like this. If you've ever watched the Dragon Ball series, you know what I'm talking about. Coolest character designs around, but God, that show sucked to no ends! Every episode was boring as hell, and usually ended up with a 'cliff-hanger' that didn't really matter. It seems like a lot of anime fall into this pattern.
For instance, anyone following the Japanese line of Naruto, knows that the show has fallen on 'filler' episodes. Filler episodes are those in which nothing adversly or otherwise effects the characters. The stories are dreamt up by some idiotic Japanese producer who doesn't know his elbow from his asshole. In Naruto's case, the anime had caught up with the manga (which had taken a half year break to come up with new material, or smoke a bowl, or whatever), and had to stall while the storyline progressed.
Not only have the stories been dull, but old animations have been reused. It's pathetic. The creators need to be bitch slapped. NOW! What's the point of creating a frickin animation that's so horrible. It mocks the good name of anime! I fart in their general direction!
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