I seem to have gone offline after my recent trip to California. Why? Couldn't say for sure. I suppose that since my return, I've been busy working, studying and playing.
My current company,
Xylemark, has decided to up and move overseas. Something about the economy in America going down the tubes. I guess I wasn't really listening. Ah well. In their approaching absence, I had begun my search for new employment.
It didn't take me long to pull a string and find it was attached to an old friend with a job opportunity. As you read and I type, I'm currently studying to become a loan officer. Isn't that great!?! It's a rather interesting position. Lots of socializing is involved. That, I can handle. There are plenty of equations to work with, which I think are just fun. (LTV = loan amount / the lower of the appraised value or purchase price) I really did love math in school, but haven't had a job that really brought it into play until now. It's so much fun (for me, anyway) to figure out equations.

I may post more about what I'm learning as the days progress. For now, I'm still working with
Xylemark, writing content, articles and press releases. I've come to quite enjoy this as well. Recently, I've diverged into writing short stories (about 2,000 words) and posting them on
writing.com. It's great fun - and they get reviewed by random strangers. Isn't THAT fun?

I've decided to put my blog on typepad to rest. Gaygymcoach will have to wait. I believe I'll remap it to this site, and just do whatevah here. Maybe post some workouts and stuff. Or at least some scandalous pictures of me, me, ME!