You know someone for five months, and you decide to move in with them. I mean, you must REALLY be on some kind of fast-track dating system to understand a person that well in 150 days (or be a lesbian). You know them well enough, I would guess, to break your lease with the person you moved to the city with and sign a new lease with this PHENOMENAL person whom you have, obviously, connected with on such a deep and meaningful level. Have fun tearing each other apart after the honey moon.

Allow me to digress for a moment. I think this has been more of a opportunity than a crisis. I mean, it's so easy to get stuck in a rut and get 'comfortable.' But then something comes along and snaps you right out of it. Suddenly you are fully alert, aware and awake. Everything that is happening around you has meaning and substance.
At this point, Boots has found a few promising options. I read about a very roomy one bedroom at a certain celeb's compound on craigslist...