Hey folks! It's time again for a review of what's going on in the world of HEROES. WHERE to begin?!? Well, first off, the show has done a 180 degree turn landing back in my good graces. This weeks episode was pretty good, but two weeks ago was OFF DA CHAIN! (Do people still say 'off the chain?')
Hiro has left fuedal Japan and is jumping around in the states again present day. His male lover is back in Japan sitting in a closed off office playing video games or something gay.
Claire - oh sweet, hot, sexy Claire! Her storyline has been pushed to the foreground. Noah (father) was killed saving her from the company, and then ressusitated using Adam (Kensei - Hiro's not-so-super hero from the past) Monroe's blood. Oh, he's immortal. So I guess that means Claire is as well. Hope Miss Hayden is using her spf and moisturizers!
The Latino Wunder Twins are still annoying. But at least one of them is dead now. Now Rosa and Sylar are hoofing it up to NYC together. He's still a douche, in case you were wondering.

Ok, this isn't as entertaining to write about unless I really hate it. So I guess I'll try again after the writer's strike fucks up the next hump of the storyline.