Hey kids! As I write you, I'm sitting at a BMW dealership picking up my very first (well, kinda) financed car! In fact, this is the first time I've owned a car since 1998, when I was straight up
pimpin my Mazda RX7 in Denver, CO. Oh, how the times have changed.
Anywho, the financing is currently running through, and in a few moments, I'll be driving off in my slightly used 04 BMW 325i! I'm starting off with just over 40K miles on it. She's a beauty. Silver/gray, black leather (
ish) inside, sports package of some sort. All rather exciting. True, she's not the newest body style, nor the fastest, but she gets lovely mpg - 21 city and 39
Birthday pictures, as promised, follow:

I think (and please be gentle, dear reader) that these are from just before dinner. I was the first one there! Surprising, as usually I'm running on gay time, which is 15 minutes late. ;) Pictured are some friendly out of
towners - Luke and Tony from SF. What sweet hearts.

James (my dear, dear friend who threw the parties for me), Luke and I just
chillin at the bar, waiting for the VERY late
Zev and Nick to arrive. We ended up sitting down before Nick even got there - an hour and a half AFTER we were supposed to sit down. Nice job Nick! Well, at least you showed up at all.
Here we have a pic of half the party. We're all very 'over it' with the waitress. Becky, or something. Anyway, she was really sweet, just really slow. Oh, that guy that looks absolutely THRILLED to be there in the front of the picture is Nick, the hour and a half late guy. Boy, I wonder if I'll ever let him live that one down? Probably not.
Still at dinner. I'm VERY excited about eating some
fricken cake, clearly.
mmmmm... It was so good. German Chocolate in the middle.

I asked for it kinda last minute, so James had to do some creative thinking to get ahold of one. I think mine was at a funeral, and then he snatched it while everyone was crying or something. Oh well, just happy to be part of the team, guys!
Next up are a couple shots from the bar we hit after -
BaZzAaR on
PeachTree. Ton of fun... from what I can remember.

The first pic is me and some
mexicans... I think their names were Juan and Pedro or something. Who knows?
Last up is a pic of me with a few CA
gurls - Tony and Don. What a pair. They're both so funny and fun to be around. Might be a little bit twisted, but I love them none the less.